Out now Custard Queen and the Lost Trousers: The Biscuits Series https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1800942567/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZGB73GVGYQZFAFE037WC

Other book titles in the series

Summer 2022

Autumn 2022

Custard Queen

The opening page. It is 100 years since Custard Queens coronation & the Biscuits are setting up the street party in Crumbletown

Figarol goes to the opera

DJ Steve visits Crumbletown

Gareth Bauldy and the wrong sort of hair

Ms Ginger Mcnut and the bagpipes

Jamie Dodger and the lost wheel

The party rings and the disco ball

Lemony Puff & the wrong dance

James Bon and his chateau

Bob Nobs best baking day

Boy Bon goes boingggg

Pink samantha opens the salon

Florrie O'Biscuit and the sad daisy